Today was a wonderful day. Thunderstorms for the majority of the day. Dark and gloomy, but perfect for cuddling. We put our jerseys on and pretended to pay attention to the football game but instead, Amelia and I turned on the music and danced in the living room. She would lay her sweet head on my chest, catch my eye, and give me the sweetest little smile I have ever seen. If that won't melt your heart, I don't know what will. I treasure these days where I can hold her close and just breathe her in. There is nothing like the smell of a baby's head, especially your own. I think the smell is forever embedded in my memory.
Every so often, she would take her little hand, and ever so gently, place it on my face. I almost burst into tears. That touch was almost overwhelming. There is nothing that ever comes from her, aside from pure love. Every second I spend with her adds beauty and meaning to my life. What in the world was I living for before? I don't even remember what my life was about before Amelia.
She has challenged everything I stand for, every choice I have ever made and will make, my spirituality, my world. She has made me grow as an individual and see the world through innocent eyes once again. The world is truly beautiful for the first time in my adult life. I now cherish the little moments of life; every smile, sound, look, tear. I am a mother. I never truly understood what that word meant until she entered my world.
I am in love.
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