Thursday, November 29, 2012

Follow Your Heart.

Never settle.

I don't mean go on a tirade and demand , demand, demand!

It's all about how you look at it.
How you perceive every card that is dealt. Maybe it wasn't exactly what you had hoped for or thought you wanted. If you are lucky enough to have an open mind, the fog will clear, and something beyond what you ever imagined will present itself.
We all have this picture of what we think we want. And that is what is behind our own unhappiness. So you didn't get that job, he doesn't love you, you couldn't afford to go on that girls' trip. . . because it wasn't supposed to happen! Quiet your mind once in a while, and listen to the signs around you. We all ask for a sign, but we refuse to listen when it is an answer we don't want to hear.

Let the universe do you a favor. Just listen.

There is no reason that you should ever feel like you've settled. If it doesn't feel right. It isn't!
If it doesn't make your heart beat and your soul dance.  Walk away.
But do not allow that to deter you from what it is you desire.

Apparently it isn't what you need. So change your attitude.
 Be confident that it fell apart for a reason. That what is meant to be will be. That when the timing is just right, the universe will send whatever it is that will complete your needs.
But . . .
You have to be willing to accept it in forms that may be unfamiliar to you.
Unfamiliar yet perfect.

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