Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Venturing out.

I'm actually nursing A to sleep as I write this. Why? Because for some reason, all my thoughts and emotions about her congregate when I'm nursing. It's the bond we form every single time! This, is my favorite thing about motherhood thus far.

Back to the point.
I left to go grocery shopping, alone, for the first time. Let me tell you, I Really did need that moment alone. I can't even express my love for her, but sometimes, I just need to breathe!
30 minutes in and I get a call from my sister. "Amelia is screaming her head off and nothing is working!"
We'll you know what? Welcome to my world!Haha (My sisters are 17 so I am praying this is the strongest birth control I can supply!)
I had left food out for her (we started solids this week!) and told Jada to try that so I could finish shopping. I took my time! Yes, that may be a little selfish! No, crying won't kill her. I am not one for the 'cry it out method' but Amelia wasn't hurt or hungry, she just missed momma, and I knew that! So I let her.
I walked in the door and hugged her, no more tears.
There is absolutely nothing in this world that will ever make me feel so loved, wanted, needed or special! She wanted her momma, no one else! I never had someone describe that feeling to me when I was pregnant. I'm positive it's because almost every emotion you feel during motherhood is indescribable! Pure love.

We are venturing out in another way. The wonderful world of food! Amelia loves to nurse, but she eats soo much, I literally have no energy by mid day... So substance was mandatory.
I've been making my own baby food, which I had planned to do all along. It's disgusting to think of all the preservatives and chemicals we put in our bodies. Yea, I'm not putting that into my baby!
She loves everything! Avocado, pears, peas, apples, bananas. She smiles with delight. I'm sure her tastebuds are erupting with each new flavor.

As the days pass, and we try new things, her personality grows exponentially! I have a funny kid! She plays games on the daily, and I can see in her eyes, she knows exactly what she's doing. Oh boy! Here we go!

P.S. Go check out my friend Shelby. She writes about her journey as a strong, new momma and might very well be my soul twin. Her blog stands so true to my life and relates to everyone else too I'm sure!



  1. I love this post! "Me" time is so important, even if it's just 5 minutes, or a trip to the grocery store! We LOVE our babies, but sane mama makes for a sane baby :)

    Love all the Proud Mama juices flowing from this blog!
